quantum claims
In a sector with a bad public image and commercials featuring a range of sincere besuited call centre male presenters this film for Aberdeen based Quantum Claims put clear water between them and their competitors. Fully appreciative of the reluctance of lawyers to sometimes give a straight answer, in a meeting one day I asked the client outright how the commercial had performed for them. I was quite chuffed when he whispered ‘It’s done rather well for us actually’. High praise indeed.
The account was with an integrated agency called (at the time) The Big Picture and they were the very best of guys to work for. With offices in Aberdeen and Glasgow, I was their advertising Creative Director for a few years until the ‘financial crisis’ hit and client media spend dropped like a Leith’s tart’s draws. I was dropped too. It was sore at the time, but they were hard times. Sadly, TBP no longer exists.